This is an example of a real life CD Manufacturing Budget that I use as a basis for a new project. I've left some information out because I don;t want to date it. Instead, you need to focus on the categories and items being shown, and not necessarily on what I may or may not have charged for a particular service. You need to take the example and manipulate it into something that fits your exact project details.
This is an example of a real life CD Manufacturing Budget that I use as a basis for a new project. I've left some information out because I don;t want to date it. Instead, you need to focus on the categories and items being shown, and not necessarily on what I may or may not have charged for a particular service. You need to take the example and manipulate it into something that fits your exact project details.
Song Writers Need To Get Songs Heard!
Song Writers Need To Get Songs Heard!
Song Writers Need To Get Songs Heard!
Everyone knows someone who is as good or better than people you've seen on The Voice or America's Got Talent. We all do.
Everyone knows someone who is good enough to be out there working their music right now, but they're not doing it. We all do.
It's hard to watch them struggle and go nowhere just because they don't know what to do about it, especially if it's someone close to you. You know they've got what it takes, but they just don't know how to get started.
I understand. We all do.
​​​​For a select few, it means exactly that. Breaking onto the music scene with a music product that will make you a household name and try to ride the wave as far and as long as it can take you. For these, nothing less than this would be considered breaking into the music business. For most people, this is not really what they are looking for.
Many people who write songs don't want to be a singer or a performing artist. They don't need a band and they don't wish to play venues. They don't care about being famous, they just want their music to be used by people that do want to be famous. They will be happy to go undetected at their local supermarket and leave the headaches for the famous people while they enjoy the fruits of their labor behind the scenes. For these people, that might be considered breaking into the music business.
Many singers don't really want to try and get a recording contract. They don't care about being on The Voice and they don't need America to tell them they've got talent. They just want to work locally with a great band, make decent money, have good PA and sound equipment, lighting and stage gear, and be able to keep working together long term and enjoy playing in that atmosphere. For these people, that might be considered breaking into the music business.
Many musicians may just want to possess the instrument of their dreams, and to be able to play and perform for those venues just like many bands do. Many musicians want to join great bands and do the things I mentioned that bands want. They want to be in a good band or be a solo artist who can secure venues which showcase their talent for a good wage. For these people, then this might be considered breaking into the music business.
Many bands are already doing everything I described earlier, but nobody wants to pay them enough money to make it worthwhile to drag all the equipment around. If that weren't bad enough, some of the local venues even have these bands playing free contests or battling with each other so that the venue owner can sell more beer. These bands may not be trying to become label acts, or tour the world, they just want to increase the amount of money they get to perform by having a CD product to sell at their shows. For these, making good money and having this CD product might be considered as breaking into the music business.​
​My point is that the only thing you need to know about breaking into the music business, is what it means to you! Don't think that what you want to do is not just as important as being rich and famous, because a lot of people have discovered that rich and famous is not always the answer they thought they were looking for.
The Good News is, the music business has changed drastically within just the last few years, and the great news is, those changes are all in your favor!
Just think about the fact that not quite 15 years ago, no one had even heard of an iphone, and an android might have referred to a robot character in the latest science fiction movie. If you wanted a career in music during that time, you still had to go to a major music center like Nashville, Los Angeles or Austin and pay tens of thousands of dollars to produce an industry competitive CD music recording. On top of that it was almost like you still had to ask permission from some guy wearing a Fedora and smoking a fat cigar to decide whether or not you were allowed to make an attempt to break into the industry.
Well thank God those days are long gone. And because of so many huge changes in Audio Equipment and Recording Software Technology, you no longer need someone else's permission to record, produce, market and distribute a competitive quality music product around the world. With what is available right now many people can literally do it themselves. I know a lot of them!
Any person wanting to make an attempt at career in music should be jumping up and down where they stand right now because they are living in a moment of history when it has never been easier to make an impact with their music.
That's why I don't just update my book to meet the new technologies and continue to sell it. I do still have the original available in PDF Format that I continue to sell because the valuable methods and techniques inside still work just like they did before and just like they always will. You might even still be able to find a copy of the original library bound printed edition at your local library, but that's a maybe. I sold them to many U.S. libraries and as far away as Austria, Germany, New Zealand and Japan!
The reason I don't just update it and continue to sell it is because I believe that the drastic changes I just mentioned will do nothing but continue to change. By the time I got done updating mine, it may have changed again! I don't want to remain in a constant state of update, and neither should you! I do recommend getting the PDF of my book for 2 very good reasons. First, the excellent root information has not changed and never will. Good solid business acumen will never cease. Second, because you need to see how much has changed for the better as far as your opportunities are concerned. There is a link to the PDF Book in the menu at the top of the page.
Making your attempts in music doesn't cost what it used to, and since it doesn't take as much money now, you can complete every industry requirement contained in my 68 Chapter book within just a few weeks time. Those same industry requirements used to take more than a full year to complete!
If you don't know what these requirements for success are, then you're going to have to get the know-how from someone who is willing to give it to you. I've been doing that for the past 31 years. Giving it away. But the time for giving is over!
Here's why. No one places a value on it and so they don't respect it. What should be received as a tremendous gift to them is often viewed as no big deal and taken entirely for granted. When that happens, the necessary work doesn't get done. To put it plainly, many people just want someone else to do it all for them and then hand it to them on a silver platter. I did that with a lot of people over the years, sacrificing my own time, effort, and money into their dream and then discovering that I wanted it more than they wanted it. I no longer do that. From now on, my time is valuable and it costs money.
If you really want to know the secrets that have taken me years to learn, then my information is just what the doctor ordered. You will learn how to produce the same competitive quality music product as any Major Record Label, and successfully Publish and Distribute your music world-wide in a way that allows you to keep and maintain absolute creative control and all of your rights and royalties all without spending your own money.
NO MORE guy wearing a Fedora smoking a big fat cigar to tell you whether or not you're going to have a career in music.
NO MORE having to raise several hundred thousand dollars to produce a music product that will stand head to head with any major or independent record label product.
NO MORE surrendering your creative control just to get signed to a record label deal.
Those days are over!
​Songwriters the world over continue to complain that they cannot get their songs heard by those within the industry. They don’t understand that the secret to getting songs heard is the same as it is for the singer. It's having a competitive quality CD Recording of their material, and knowing how to turn their material from unsolicited into solicited. I know how to do that!
According to a BMI Performance Rights Society publication in 1988, one out of every six Americans considers themselves to be a songwriter! That is an amazing statistic. The reason most of them go unnoticed is because they continue to submit sub-standard demos for review. Unfortunately, those they want to listen to them can’t even tell what the song should really represent unless it is presented in the form of a master demonstration recording. The fact is that I can show you the secret of how to get your songs heard by any recording artist, any publisher, any manager, A & R Rep, almost anyone you want. Other information out there tells you what to do, but I show you how to do it!
Many Songwriters don't need money to get a competitive CD major label quality recording. Many already possess the skill and know-how to do it themselves using today's superb Digital Audio Software technology and equipment. That is great! In reality though, this is exactly where many of those same people get it wrong. They believe that because they can produce the recording on their own, then they can just bypass everything else and their talent or performance will make up the difference. It won't. It might get them discovered, but not like they want. They will still need my information to be successful.
​​Many Singers really want to be a recording artist, but many will waste their time with contests and fantasy opportunities like The Voice and America's Got Talent. Many of them sing only cover songs without realizing that the industry has no way of making any revenue from them. They fail to understand that record labels are not in the concert promotion business. They are in the record selling business! You can't do it with covers. Those things are fun, but don't expect the industry to take your music career seriously. Only those with a competitive professional quality CD recordings that have negotiable publishing rights of original songs can actually become recording artists in today's world. It is a simple business process which requires a simple solution. There has to be money in it for the label or there is nothing they can use to make money. In other words, no publishing!
The really really great news for you is that I show singers how to get the money to secure a major record label quality competitive CD product and possess the negotiable publishing interests that make up what is the music business. These days, the singer can become the publisher and the record label and have something of tremendous value to negotiate with.
​​​​​The biggest problem many musicians have is not having the money for their dream instrument, and the costs to maintain that instrument. Oh yes, quality instruments have to be properly maintained just like a precision timepiece or a finely tuned automobile, and that takes MONEY! Depending upon their circumstances, like which venues they want to play, then they might also need PA or sound equipment, transportation, stage gear, wardrobe, lighting, and a host of other essential items enabling them to perform their craft at the highest possible level.
Many of them are still working for same old peanuts. Many more cannot even hope to get a venue to perform. The answer? It's the same. It is having a competitive major record label quality CD Recording. That is what will get you the venues, the auditions with bands and orchestras, free publicity, free advertising, and higher paying play dates, and you'll have a professional product to sell when you get there.
My information can show any talented musician how to get everything they need to get the kind of bookings in the kind of venues they want, whenever they want, submit to major and independent record labels, management companies, and music agents. They may even want to send their product to area recording studios in order to get hired as a session musician and make even more money! There's no limitations!
​​​​​​​For most bands, the members are either broke or just getting by because they all work regular jobs. None of them know that I can get each band member a pay raise from their regular job with 1 piece of paper! Bands need money, and that's exactly why I start by showing them how to raise the current income level of each member right now so that they have something to work with.
As an example, if you had a 5 piece band and each member had a regular job, together you could bring in as much as $1500 to $2000 a month to use to beef up your band with instruments, amps, stage gear and PA, lighting, and more just by following my instructions, and you haven't even played yet. I show you how to get set up with everything you need to get started.
​​​You can stop right here and do nothing. Or you can take some kind of action. You could call and book a time with me to begin building your companies. Or you could become a member right now and do it yourself for just $199.00 and be a whole lot better off in just a few days than when you started. That may be all you are interested in, and that is absolutely okay!
But you'll need to act now while I'm still offering the Membership at this price. I can only focus on certain number of clients at any given time. Once you purchase the membership, it is yours indefinitely to take advantage of as long as you wish.
​​You can either watch the parade go by or you can get on board.
Buy the Membership. Book a Call. The choice is yours.
Marty Garrett